Avoid delays

Avoid Shipping Delays


*Address missmatch: Shipping ansBilling address are differnt. We only ship first-time buyers to the address associated with the credit card or PayPal records. We may delay shipping if we need addtional verification on the shipping address.


* Final Sale Item: You are a first-time buyer buying a final sale product. We send a courtesy email reminding you to visit our return policy.


* Incomplete address: Your address is incomplete or written in non-English alphabet characters. 


* Missing Name: Your order is missing your name or it is written using initials. This applies mostly to international orders where the recipient chooses not to enter the full name, which is  required by Customs. 


* Unable to ship to a location : In rare cases, an update from the US postal service, warns us about delivering suspension in certain areas. This usually either delays shipping or results in the cancelation of the order.



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